Under the terms of the Teachers' Pension Plan Act, when the Plan has a funded status greater than 110%, it is required to provide an annual increase to your pension to help offset the impact of inflation. This increase is known as indexation.
An actuarial valuation is conducted annually to determine the Plan's funded status. This is an annual exercise that measures the financial health of a pension plan. It evaluates the funded status of the Plan by calculating the value of pension promises made to members and comparing it to the assets set aside to pay for those promises.
Indexation of your pension will be awarded if the funded status is greater than 110%. Indexation will not be awarded if the funded status is lower than 110%. In the case of a missed indexation, a catch-up may be awarded during a later year if the fund has enough surplus funds available.
Inflation is calculated using Statistics Canada's Canada All-Items using March 31st as the measure date. Indexation will be applied to your pension the following January 1st, if warranted.
For a history of awarded indexation percentages, see the Pension Indexation Award Archive.